Why You Should Budget To Improve Your Car Park Lighting - Teoma Electrical

If you’re considering improving your commercial property or your car park, it’s important that you don’t neglect the lighting. Car park lighting can have an impact on safety and the performance of your business. Whether it’s underground or outdoors, car parks all require round-the-clock lighting to ensure all people and vehicles travelling through them have safe passage.

We’ve put together this helpful blog to help you understand why quality car park lighting solutions should factor into your construction or renovation budget for your Melbourne business.

Safe Driving

A dim, dark car park is more likely to be unsafe. Covered and underground car parks can especially feel claustrophobic, leading pedestrians to move with more caution and drivers to have difficulty seeing obstacles when maneuvering. Clearly marked pathways, crossings and exits – illuminated by effective lighting are a great measure to aid in the safe passage of those travelling through.

Outdoor car parks can feel unsafe, especially at night, so lighting options should encourage security and safety, helping users to feel safe walking to and from their cars and keeping pedestrians visible at all times.

If a hazard or obstacle isn’t well-illuminated, it can easily cause an accident – potentially leaving you at fault for any damage resulting from poor or inadequate lighting. All these factors can lead to a negative user experience.

If you’re wondering how you can turn this around, it’s simple – a simple upgrade to your lighting system to feature strong, bright fixtures will help users feel safe and secure, and keep them in a positive mood when arriving or leaving.

Reduced Crime

Crimes can occur in car parks, especially those that aren’t well-illuminated. Improved lighting ensures CCTV footage is more effective and defined. What’s more, you’ll have the added peace of mind your employees, customers or tenants will be kept as safe as possible while on the premises.


A functional car park is one that’s easy for users to navigate from entry to exit. When you use strategic lighting in your car park, available spaces will become visible to drivers. Users will also have a much easier time orienting themselves to the layout of your car park.

Changing the bulbs you’re using or installing quality uniform fixtures throughout your parking area will make it easier for drivers to notice and interpret signage, and spot vehicles and other people. This won’t just improve their sense of safety, but will also make your car park much easier to navigate.

More Traffic

If you’re open late into the night, or if the weather is poor, a well-lit car park can attract customers. Drivers are more likely to choose a car park with strong lighting over one that’s in total darkness. This can lead to an increase in trade, especially night trade, and an increase in profits at these times.

Why You Should Budget To Improve Your Car Park Lighting - Teoma Electrical

As businesses work towards lowering their net zero targets, it’s important that your car park lighting solution which can often operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week aren’t resulting in exorbitant energy bills.

Lighting can factor for 60% of your overall energy consumption, and the lighting you use can result in higher energy expenses. By using strategic lighting choices, such as LED lighting, you can reduce your energy usage and cut costs significantly.


You could even use your outdoor lighting design to reflect off walls, columns, and ceilings to highlight points of interest in building design as well as improve the overall look and feel of your car park.

The Benefits of LED Lighting

LED lights take all these selling points and roll them into one. With an LED lighting system, you’ll be able to:

  • Improve visibility and driver safety
  • Reduce your energy costs by up to 80%, improving energy consumption and minimising the need for replacements
  • Improving sustainability, with decreased energy consumption and carbon dioxide output
  • Enhance lighting strength with options for higher, flicker-free output
  • Limiting heat accumulation
  • Reduced maintenance costs, meaning you won’t need to spend so much time on repairs or upkeep of bulbs and fittings
Contact Us Today

Improve your car park lighting at your commercial space in South East Melbourne with quality installation and service from the team at Teoma.

We have years of experience serving valued clients throughout the region, specialising in commercial and industrial electrical services.

Our team of expert, qualified electricians are ready to help you achieve fantastic lighting quality, all delivered with the highest level of workmanship and customer service.

Call us today on (03) 87904943 to speak to our team, learn more about our electrical services, or make a booking with our team.