Electrical & Lighting Installation for Carpark in Frankston City - Teoma


Teoma is a well-established contractor handling all open area and car park lighting projects. The team has successfully delivered these works for city councils across Greater Melbourne including recently, for City of Frankston.

Frankston City Council engaged Teoma for the delivery of 2 car park lighting projects, Overport Park Carpark, and Excelsior Drive Car Park. The projects both presented as unique with individual challenges.

The council engaged Teoma through a competitive tender process for each of the projects. Typically, local governments apply a weighted evaluation process focused on price/value, project methodology, and regulatory compliance. The team was able to satisfy the criteria and was successful on each of these submissions.

The team’s ability to successfully deliver the works during COVID lockdowns and with strained supply chains demonstrates again why Teoma is a preferred council contractor.

Project Overview

Teoma was engaged by the City of Frankston for the delivery of two car park lighting projects, Excelsior Drive Carpark, and Overport Park Car Park Lighting.
While neither of these projects have been our largest, they both presented their own unique little challenges and we certainly had a great time running these projects in parallel.

  • Poles: 9 light poles
  • Cable: 400m Electrical Cable
  • Labour Hours: 389
  • Simultaneous works across 2 sites
  • Directional boring: 200m
Excelsior Shopping Strip
  • Labour Hours: 174
  • Full Redevelopment In conjunction with civil contractor
  • Removal of redundant lighting and electrical installation
  • New Distribution Board
  • Cable: 100m Electrical Cable
  • Light Poles: 3X8m Light Poles
The Works

Excelsior Drive saw our team successfully supply and install 3 light poles including all associated electrical works. This particular site was the recipient of not only a lighting upgrade but also a full demolition and redevelopment of the asphalt car park, concreting and garden beds.

This project is adjacent to a shopping strip with the complete upgrade vastly improving accessibility and security for the community that relies on this retail and hospitality space.
As this was a complete redevelopment, it was established by the council that Teoma would be working in conjunction with an appointed Civil contractor.

Heavy coordination was required throughout the initial project as the existing redundant lighting installation was a public, unmetered asset controlled by United Energy. In a situation like this,

“Excelsior drive not only saw the team decommission and replace an existing lighting installation but also carry out the conversion of a public lighting arraignment through to a metered AS3000 system on the client’s behalf” strong coordination was required to liaise with United Energy for the decommissioning of the existing assets and subsequent removal.

Following the removal of the existing unmetered supply and area lighting assets, Teoma needed to work closely with United Energy again to establish a new supply into the metered private system being installed as part of the council’s project.

Coordinating shutdowns, and truck appointments for the abolition and establishment of a metered supply can present a challenge to any project timeline. However, this is an area in which Teoma has extensive experience and the team was able to organise and plan these events around other stakeholders timelines ensuring a smooth delivery; not only for the electrical scope but the entire end project.

Electrical & Lighting Installation for Carpark in Frankston City - Teoma
Excelsior Shopping Strip
  • Underground Boring: 200m
  • Open Trenching: 40m
  • Cable 300m
  • Light Poles 6X6m Poles
  • Labour Hours: 215
The Works

Frankston’s Overport Park is an open space multi-use facility offering football, cricket, tennis and playground space. The facility is home to several local organisations including the Frankston Dolphins Football & Netball Club and a performing arts centre. Overport Park has found itself over the years in a number of the Council’s forward-looking development plans.

This installation of energy-efficient LED car park lighting on this site continues to expand the usability and night-time security of this site. Teoma was fortunate to be engaged for the installation of cables, conduits, light poles and associated electrical services.

The Overport Park car park lighting project was initiated in June-July 2021 a period that was soon impacted by further COVID lockdowns and work restrictions. Additionally, as many in the industry are aware, many supply chains experienced heavy delays due to capacity and freight challenges during this period.

This included heavy delays in delivery for the specified light poles. To overcome this, Teoma organised and facilitated air freight for the components to ensure project timelines were maintained.

Overport Park remains a staple for sports and recreation in Frankston’s South. Our team at Teoma completes a great number of commercial electrical and lighting projects. Principally as an electrical services company, our team are the facilitators and suppliers of what has become an essential service.
It is however much more rewarding to work on projects that will be utilised directly by a local community. Improving the usability of this open space for sports and family recreation is certainly one of those projects.

Teoma was fortunate enough to be appointed as a contractor for the delivery of both lighting projects within the City of Frankston’s council area. Although supply chain and COVID restrictions presented as unique operating conditions, the team was able to complete the works and successfully deliver these projects.