How To Reduce Energy Consumption in Commercial and Industrial Properties - Teoma Electrical

Energy Efficiency Solutions for Commercial & Industrial Property

Energy efficiency is something we have become more and more aware of over time. With the recent spike in energy prices, everyone from households to large manufacturers is feeling the pinch. As we know in manufacturing, energy is one of the largest costs of production and it is unavoidable.

When it comes to electricity, there are a few common technologies a company can implement to decrease their energy consumption. In this article, we have gone over a few of these to clear up any confusion and encourage you to investigate for yourselves the energy-saving technologies available.

We have included the common lighting upgrade and also provided details on two, not so well-known technologies that can dramatically decrease energy consumption.

Energy Efficient LED Lighting

One we have all heard probably too much about, but if we remove the marketing spin, this technology does present a viable cost saving for the modern commercial premises. The equivalent of a 400w Metal Halide High Bay is a 95w Led High Bay, 400w to 95w – this equates to a decrease in energy consumption of over 75%.

On a 24-hour site, the energy savings over 100 fittings can result in a yearly, dollar value saving of approximately $51,000, which is substantial. A quality LED installation can last approximately 4-5 times longer, resulting in even more cost-saving.

LED lighting can be a long-life solution, by investing in quality fittings from the outset, you are ensuring the longevity of the installation, and reducing more than just the cost of running the lighting.

Variable Speed Drives Boost Motor Efficiency
How To Reduce Energy Consumption in Commercial and Industrial Properties - Teoma Electrical

Some sources state that 70% of industrial energy consumption goes towards powering electric motors. Power consumption of motor peaks during start-up or heavy load. One way to reduce this load is by using variable speed drives.

Variable speed drives allow you to control the speed of a motor by automatically adjusting the frequency and voltage to achieve maximum efficiency at any speed. This constant adjustment and optimisation results in reduced energy consumption, a reduction in motor noise (motor noise negatively affects efficiency across the entire site), and reduced energy bills.

With a 20% reduction of speed of the centrifugal pump or fan, it is possible to reduce energy consumption by up to 50%. Additionally, by being able to optimise the motor at any speed you are able to better control processes, reduce wear and tear from motor speed up or wind down and can help equipment ride through voltage dips or power interruptions

Power Factor Correction | Large Site Energy Efficiency
How To Reduce Energy Consumption in Commercial and Industrial Properties - Teoma Electrical

Power factor Correction is a little mysterious with a lot of people putting this in the too confusing basket. Simply Power factor refers to the quality of power on a site.

Think of it as the fuel for your car, the service station supplies good quality fuel, however, if you run a very fuel-rich mixture for the duration of your trip you will consume more petrol per kilometre.

Now, if you corrected the mixture, using the fuel more efficiently, you will consume less fuel per kilometre which would result in a cost-saving.

It’s the same when it comes to electricity, in most cases the supplier provides high-quality power, it is the equipment on your premises that impacts the quality of the power.

Things that negatively affect your power factor on a site are large or multiple electric motors, Furnaces/heating systems, air conditioners/cool rooms, a large number of fluorescent lights and even a large solar installation.

By correcting your power factor. You will use your electricity more efficiently which will result in a cost-saving. Additionally, there is also the impact that a site with a poor power factor can have on the grid at large. There is discussion in the industry of penalising companies with higher electricity rates for not managing their power factor.

Power Factor Correction is a physical installation. Anecdotally, a recent installation we completed resulted in freeing up 200amps of electricity on an 800amp supply site this is a 25% reduction. The client went from regularly overloading their main breaker to having an additional 200 amps free for future development.

What Our Team Recommends for Energy Efficiency

We encourage our clients to be vigilant and seek out solutions that satisfy their particular needs. When it comes to energy efficiency it doesn’t hurt to be educated on the matter. especially as energy consumption is an integral part of the industry.

Our team has been working with manufacturers exclusively for over 30 years, we are always happy to discuss potential solutions and offer advice on how to proceed.

Government initiatives like Sustainability Victoria are regularly announcing funding assistance support programs to improve sustainability in manufacturing and industry. It is also worth getting involved with industry groups like SEMMA, industry groups are often leading the way, providing support and advice that is directly relevant to the industry.