Here’s why hiring a commercial electrician will benefit your business - Teoma Electrical

An electrical system plays a vital role in business, and is an essential part of your daily operations. Without safe, reliable access to electricity, businesses are at risk of consistent interruptions and can potentially be breaching work health and safety standards.

Providing a safe and sustainable workplace for employees is always a high priority. As such, a commercial electrician can help a business succeed by offering a wide variety of services.

They can do this whilst endeavouring to provide uninterrupted daily business operations. Today, we look at some of the most important ways commercial electricians can benefit a company.

Energy Efficiency

With net zero commitments on the rise, improving energy efficiency has an array of benefits other than just decreasing overheads. Going green:

  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduces demand for energy imports
  • Lowers the costs of business and household energy rates.

While renewable energy technologies can also help accomplish these goals, improving energy efficiency is the cheapest and most timely way to reduce emissions and lower your overall spending.

Commercial electricians can improve the efficiency of building as they maximise output while minimising the waste of energy.

With rapid advancements in technology, by switching to energy-efficient solutions for lighting, wiring and machinery, businesses can decrease their energy usage while performing the same tasks.

Going green can often appear time-consuming and costly. However, working with a commercial electrician, upgrading can unlock valuable opportunities that provide a company with financial and environmental benefits.

Lighting control

Implementing LED lighting technologies can be beneficial for commercial usage in more ways than one.

From high energy savings to numerous environmental and employee health benefits, it’s not surprising that the commercial application of LED lighting has become such a major trend in modern-day facilities.

For every business, lighting control design can be equally impactful as selecting highly energy-efficient light fixtures. Both of these complementary elements can affect staff productivity and reduce accidents, while helping to lessen the financial burden of operating a business.

This is why working with an experienced commercial electrician for all lighting requirements is an essential aspect of facility maintenance.

In many cases, commercial electricians can recommend and install an automated lighting system that helps minimise energy usage and save you money.

Commercial electricians can also conduct regular maintenance on emergency lighting to assist commercial premises in satisfying their statutory obligations.

Energy Auditing

Of all the ways a company can save, an electrical audit is a strong first step. This simple and effective approach can provide businesses with numerous benefits. An audit will:

  • Determine the total energy usage and costs of the business
  • Calculate your carbon footprint
  • Site analysis to identify where energy is used (inclusive of the sector with the highest rate of energy consumption)
  • Calculate an estimate of any energy savings opportunities
  • Production of a detailed report, which recommends what can be done to save energy

Auditing can help reduce your energy consumption and expenses, help identify and address any hidden faults, while also lengthening the lifespan of the equipment.

Experienced commercial electricians will personally tailor a plan to help keep your costs and greenhouse emissions low.

Teoma is highly experienced working with Melbournes manufacturers and large commercial properties.

As part of ongoing works across these sectors, the company has invested heavily in power analyzers that dig deeper than an energy audit showing things like peak consumption, inrush current events, and power quality/power factor.

While many companies may offer a comprehensive energy audit, an experienced electrician can go deeper accessing the MSB and incoming supply to install a temporary power analyzer.

Test and tag

Testing and tagging are some of the many essential services completed to ensure safety in the workplace.

With appliances and equipment, commercial electricians will test the applicability of appliances, then tag safe appliances so that your employees and staff are made aware the safety check has been completed.

Electricians can likewise diagnose appliances with technical faults and help repair appliances instead of replacing them.

Testing and tagging is a preventive measure to ensure a safe working environment for your employees as it reduces the risk of electrical hazards.

The AS/NZS 3760 is the Australian Standard that provides guidelines and regulations for the test and tag industry with regards to the electrical safety of appliances.

Working with a commercial electrician can safeguard employees and ensure the business continues unimpaired while ensuring appliances and machinery are functioning at their highest capacity.

Switchboard maintenance

Over time, the equipment can age and deteriorate, ultimately reducing efficiency and overall safety.

Switchboards on commercial and industrial sites powering these facilities receive the extra workload required to keep production continuously running.

This often results in a disruption of power, as they’re struggling to evenly distribute the load. Commercial electricians can minimise failures that can occur in a switchboard.

Maintenance can eliminate unnecessary repairs, equipment replacement, and downtime costs while improving electrical safety on site.

Engaging an electrician to perform maintenance can increase the lifespan of your equipment.

It can likewise prolong a switchboard being prematurely upgraded due to lack of maintenance ultimately saving business owners from unnecessary expenditure.

Variable speed drives allow you to control the speed of a motor by automatically adjusting the frequency and voltage to achieve maximum efficiency at any speed. This constant adjustment and optimisation have numerous benefits for the entire facility. VSD’s results in

Breaker Testing

Circuit breakers perform a vital role in protecting staff and equipment from damage through faults.

Testing is used to check both the performance of individual switching mechanisms and the timing of the overall tripping system.

This is an essential role of all commercial electricians work to ensure the safe and reliable performance of this link in the power chain.

Testing the performance of your circuit breakers can likewise identify any need for maintenance before faults occur, making it vital to all maintenance strategies.

Electrical Codes and compliance

Electrical codes and regulations are complex rules and regulations that help safeguard employees and machinery. Commercial electricians are responsible for ensuring they document any irregularities in, and all maintenance works in a detailed log.

They ensure these logs coincide with Health, Safety, Environment and Quality guidelines (HSEQ) required by all industrial and commercial properties.

Many industries with high staff turnover can lack sufficient documentation.

A highly skilled electrician can use their years of experience and knowledge to create auditing documents on behalf of businesses to remove the stress in demonstrating compliance with the appropriate legislation.

By working with the right commercial electrician, business owners can enhance the safety and utility of their workplace.

From energy efficiency and electricity cost savings to workplace safety, the potential outcomes of working with a commercial electrician lead to a more compliant and safer workplace that’s sustainable, productive, and more profitable.

Why call us?

Our team of highly skilled electricians at Teoma have over 30 years of experience regularly completing routine services and upgrades for commercial properties, manufacturers’ education facilities at a large scale.

Their reactive nature and extensive knowledge are used to prevent faults and prolong electrical systems in place.

By engaging our team of experienced and well-supported electricians you can be confident that you will have a complete solution, with minimal interruption to the operation of your site. Call us today to speak directly with our Service and Maintenance Manager.