1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this policy statement is to assist Teoma Group ACN 109 743 008 and other entities in the Teoma Group to comply with environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) goals which have formed part of companies’ strategies on an international scale and have been created based on the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the 2011 United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.

1.2 Application

This policy statement sets out Teoma’s expectations for its employees, workers, contractors, suppliers, distributors and other business partners regarding ESG and an aim to identify, mitigate, assess and manage ESG risks across the business.


Teoma is committed to upholding environmental responsibility, building an inclusive and diverse workplace, maximising shareholder value and financial return and sustaining the growth and success of the Teoma’s business by way of ESG. In conducting business with these objectives, the Board is tasked with ensuring that Teoma is properly managed to protect and enhance shareholder interests, and that Teoma, its Directors, officers and employees fulfil their functions effectively and responsibly Teoma aims to grow its corporate reputation, reduce risks and add intrinsic value to the business.

3. ESG

3.1 Environmental

We are committed to:

(a) reviewing climate change risk associated with the operations of our company and clients;

(b) pollution prevention;

(c) safeguarding environmentally protected and sensitive areas, including native title;

(d) biodiversity; and

(e) screening new clients for environmental risks.

3.2 Social

We are committed to ensuring the following (but not limited to):

(a) diversity and inclusion in the work place;

(b) non-discrimination and equal opportunity for employees and persons associated with Teoma;

(c) privacy and data protection;

(d) employment standards;

(e) supply chain management; and

(f) screening new clients for social risks.

3.3 Corporate governance

We are committed to:

(a) ensuring risk management is applied to all our matters;

(b) supporting leadership and corporate governance;

(c) constantly updating ethical, social and governance policies; and

(d) screening new clients for corporate governance risks.