Air Conditioning | The Importance of Routine Servicing - Teoma Electrical

Why regular air conditioner services are necessary

Heating and cooling systems are rarely noticed up until the point they break down. What many of us forget is that just like a car, our reverse cycle air conditioners also need regular maintenance. Over time – as filters do the job they are made for – dust and grime will build up. This build-up reduces efficiency, air quality and the lifespan of a unit.

In our experience, in a high use environment like commercial property or school, a routine service should be completed every six months. Just before and again just after summer is the ideal time. This ensures the air conditioning unit is fully serviced before the high use summer period, and again as the cool weather of winter arrives.

Why Consult a Professional?

Our team of experts has built a comprehensive service solution. Broken down, this process covers the essential cleaning & maintenance of the unit and development of a comprehensive asset report.

The asset report will highlight all important details and provides the client with a transparent overview of all works completed. Following up, If further attention is needed to address something, such as a failed component or a leak in the system, this will be highlighted in the report and can be actioned at the discretion of the client.

What is involved with a routine service

Becoming increasingly popular in new construction HVAC systems are among the greatest energy absorber commercial properties engage.

The choice of system and design can heavily affect water consumption with some HVAC systems responsible for up to 30% of water use in commercial buildings. Choosing the right system is vital for not only your energy usage but likewise water usage.

There are several technologies for heating and cooling systems on the market, including reverse cycle air conditioners, electric space heaters and ducted gas heating. The energy efficiency and emissions of these technologies can vary substantially.

It is always recommended to discuss the most suitable choice for your environment with a licenced professional. As these units can heavily impact a facility’s energy and water usage and costs, assessing your current use with a licensed professional and implementing the following improvements into a system’s efficiency can reduce the cost of your energy bill.

Asset report include
  • Mapped unit location
  • Unit identification number
  • Photos showing before & after
  • Asset register of all units on site
  • Welfare status
  • Report highlighting if additional work is required
Why Teoma?

Teoma has for over 20 years worked extensively in homes, commercial properties and schools. The team works extensively on Department of Education and Training projects and then directly with schools for routine maintenance.

As part of this, you can rest assured that every team member is a qualified professional and in the knowledge that every single team member has their Working With Children Check and has extensive experience working in the education environment.